Which hosting service should I use?

After spending countless hours on numerous hosting providers, Impressions Agency recently partnered with a hosting company! We have learned the ins and outs of what hosting services can and can't provide and have linked arms with a company that can handle the security requirements necessary for Wordpress websites.  Key features that they all include are: 

  • ✅Faster site speed with website caching
  • ✅ Dedicated WordPress server
  • ✅ Security firewall for your traffic (WAF)
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN). Site content in the cloud
  • SSL Included for all websites
  • ✅Multi-factor password authentication
  • ✅Daily backups included

Your Host Pro

This is a WordPress-specific hosting company providing everything you'll need to keep your site operating at its best while maintaining tight security. Click to sign-up and then our team will work with you to gather everything else we need. 
They are offering all Impression's clients one month free. Use discount code: IADISCOUNT when signing up.

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