Setting up Delegate Access on Godaddy

Setting up delegate access on your Godaddy hosting account allows are team to access your hosting and domain under our own account. 
  1. Go to your GoDaddy Account Settings. If you're not already logged in, you'll be prompted to log in.
  2. Click Delegate Access.
  3. In the People who can access my account section, click Invite to Access.
  4. Enter the Name and Email address for the person you're inviting.

    Name: impressions Agency
    • Email:
  5. Select one of the access levels. If you're not sure what this means, check out our explanation of access levels.
    • Please grant us access to Products & Domains or Products, Domains, and Purchase if we are helping you purchase domains. 
  6. Click Invite. We'll send the person an email invitation to access your account. Once the person accepts, we'll let you know. That's it!
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